

participatory communication and sustainable development of territories

Our mission is to create sharing and awareness for responsible and collective growth.


Ecommunity was founded with a clear goal: to change the canons of conventional communication, making communicative actions interactive and circular.

Our impact in numbers


Countries where we offer ASD programs to children


Volunteers around the world with ASD rehabilitation training


Total number of ASD programs initiated by our organization

Care and therapy

Dedicated nursery

One of our flagship programs. We offer daycare services to families with ASD children, so parents can go to work. The daycare staff are all volunteers with special training.

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Volunteer for recreation

Playtime is one of the most important experiences children with ASD can have. It puts them at ease and increases their chances of having positive interactions.

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Art therapy course

Much has been said about art as a form of therapy, we couldn't agree more. Another foundational program of our organization, this class helps children with ASD open up to new people and experiences.

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Join our community of volunteers

Join our growing community of over 250 volunteers around the world and make an impact in the lives of children with ASD and their families. There are many ways to help.

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Support a child

With as little as US$5 a month, you can make a huge impact on a child's life. Your donation will help a child with ASD stay in daycare, receive personal care, food, and participate in art therapy classes.


Support a program

When you support a program, you support 25 children with ASD and their families. Your donation will help our program run smoothly and continue to provide rehabilitation help to those in need.


Cynthia Maples


"I've seen what a few hours of the right experience can do to a child with ASD. It's magical and it lasts a long time. We all really CAN make a difference."


By websitebuilder 28 Jun, 2022
Come genitori, ascoltare la prognosi del medico e rendersi conto che tuo figlio ha un disturbo autistico può essere piuttosto difficile.Ma non è la fine del mondo.Milioni di famiglie in tutto il mondo vivono ogni giorno con l'autismo.Ecco alcuni suggerimenti per far fronte alle novità, se le senti per la prima volta.
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Ci sono tanti buoni motivi per comunicare con i visitatori del sito.In questo caso, è un post di un'intervista, che condivide una conversazione tra lo scrittore del blog e una persona.Evidenzia gli obiettivi e i vantaggi della tua organizzazione attraverso la conversazione.
By websitebuilder 28 Jun, 2022
Parla ai tuoi lettori Conosci i tuoi lettori meglio di chiunque altro, perciò tienili in considerazione quando scrivi i tuoi post. Scrivi su temi che possano trovare interessanti. Se hai una pagina Facebook della tua azienda, guarda qui per trovare argomenti di cui scrivere Prenditi del tempo per pianificare il post Se hai un'idea per un nuovo post, scrivi prima una bozza. Alcune persone preferiscono iniziare dal titolo per poi lavorare sul contenuto. Altre iniziano invece dal sottotitolo. Scegli il metodo che fa per te.
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